
Sunday 29 October 2023

This is one of the few drawings I've kept, I like it a lot.  I did this in the late 2000s, from the book Portraits by Steve McCurry, I had a copy of it back in the early 2000s, this one I have now is a new copy, as the other one went to a charity shop years ago.  It's not a great likeness of the subject.  There was a reason I drew it as well and I can't remember exactly why, but I gave up drawing not long after. 

 I was surprised when I found out how small she was compared to my drawing. For years I've had this portrait in a small portfolio and thought I'd traced it. As you can see, not a great likeness. 

I had this book, definitely, around 2005 because I told someone they looked like someone in it, and they called string, lines, because English was their second language, we worked together.  They wanted to know where the lines were and it took me awhile to understand what they were talking about.

The good news is, for me anyway, is I'm using milliput clay again, I no longer have this unbelievable guilt about micro particles going down the sink.