
Sunday 29 October 2023

More 1:12th scale eyes garland and necklace

I didn't like the eye garland I made for the voodoo shelf, in that one, I glued paper irises on to white fimo balls. These ones I made using the finished "iris" piece, as per the cat eye in the previous post. The iris piece is a sliver of the baked cane, with a dot of uv resin on it, which I then stuck on to a ball of white fimo and rolled it a bit, I think, I can't really remember exactly. If it wasn't that way, I rolled balls of white fimo and then cut a bit off and stuck the iris on, but I think it was the other way. The greatest thing I ever bought was a set of drill bits, Blackspur Micro ones, I can't see the ones I bought, though the smallest one was 0.3 mm. I can't believe I used to sit in a room for years making all of this stuff, recently, I feel like I've wasted a lot of my life.


The beads are vintage Venetian seed beads, the smallest size which I think was size 18, and the white beads in that size are very rare, last I looked for them, they make great pearl necklaces, I saw someone else using them for that. I'm just adding that for the maddest miniaturists. 

Very inspired by the game Monkey Island for the above, there was a head with an eye necklace in that, called The head of the navigator. I was a big fan of Monkey Island.