
Sunday 29 October 2023

1:12th scale Halloween masks, witch and Frankensteins monster

These are one of the items I was making for my Etsy shop, for the Halloween section.  I was happy to do this, at the time.

Halloween masks made using Japanese grace clay, which I highly recommend. 


On the left the masks as they come out of the mould, middle, painted using watercolour paints and on the right, with hair and other details applied. 

I designed these boxes in MS Paint, mostly to avoid copyright issues when selling them. 

Saved cellophane from envelopes to create windows in boxes, also to use in the Christmas boxes I was going to sell. 

These are the masters, for making moulds from, I had plans to make a werewolf and a devil too. 

 I would have liked to have done Jewellery and ceramics at the university of ulster, but for some reason when the foundation course was over I thought it would be best to abandon getting a degree and look for a job instead.