
Monday, 14 May 2012

A few things being worked on.

I have a lot of things being worked on.  These are a few of those things.

The unfinished back door.  Bought online, one of the mass produced doors available, slightly customized. I try to customize anything I  buy, it usually just needs refined.  The door handle I bought from Modelling Timbers website. I used black sticker lines to make the stained glass, and filled in the perspex with clear varnish and acrylic ink, for a glassy effect. The Chinese lantern poking in at the side, I made with etched brass I bought from PPD Ltd, an old light fitting scrap wood and copper rods. Even it isn't  finished, even though its up in its place.

A Dollshouse birdhouse. A dovecote I made from scratch using lollypop sticks, card and  cocktail sticks and a few other odds and ends. I made the ridge tile using card, quite a few jewellery fittings and flocked it with ground up Richard Stacey bricks, the bits left over from the chimney stack. The roof needs a dusting, badly. No birds have moved in yet, though I have two in mind. But they have no feet yet!

Some cushions I made, some with scraps of material I bought at a market. The grey bench cushion hasn't been filled yet. And the bolster on the end is a Janet Granger kit, without its tassels, which I bought to try out needlepoint. I have a Bobbie Schoonmaker Arak Saruk rug kit arriving soon, so I thought I should practice on something small first. Just as well it worked out, as I think the  Bobbie Schoonmaker kit may be stuck in customs, so I can look forward to an additional bill. Then after that, I design and make my own rugs from scratch, because I can't afford them, really. Bench is a kit by McQueenie Miniatures. Excuse the out of scale cat hairs by the armrest. They get everywhere, I think I stitched a few into the bolster also.

1 comment:

  1. That birdhouse is just adorable, love it! And the other things too give a good sense of what you like and I so love that you want to make yourself what you can and give bought stuff a personal twist.


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