
Saturday 18 July 2015

1:12 scale Beachcombing!!!

Still in a strange haitus, thanks for your support in the last few posts everyone. I know we all get this from time to time :D  Nature has filled in quite a bit for me for this one.

Last week I dragged a friend to the beach, and then embarked on a long mini beach combing session.  Apparently it looked a bit strange and he suggested (if there is a) next time we should wear white overalls and fence the beach off, because it looked like a "crime scene investigation" was in progress. Not surprised either, finding tiny shells involves getting your eyes as close to the sand as possible and then carefully picking over it...I'll get him to take a photo of me in action!  Many people walked past and the odd dog got in the way, I don't remember much, just lots of coarse sand with the odd nice shell in it.

The Shells are a mix of Dogwhelks, Periwinkles (ridiculous amount of those), Flattops (Gibbula..) Cone shells (Turritella..) and cowries.

Driftwood twigs. You can break driftwood twig into smaller sizes and then sand the ends. The starfish are made using thick wire and soldered in the centre, the tips are rounded off with a file and then sponge painted.

I REALLY, REALLY LOVE THESE! Miniature Japanese style glass floats, made using crochet thread and marbles. I made one for Genevieve in a swap, though I've perfected them a bit since then, particularly the colour, Genevieve, if you want a refit, get in touch!  I used a brilliant video and picture tutorial by Sharon Ojala, which you can see below. Instead of using a wire ring, I made a loop in the middle of one of the eight threads needed.

Lovely little beach finds! Tiny limpet shells, sea glass and coral weed. The pretty little spiral one is a Gibbula Umbilicalis (thank goodness for Google :D )

Edit :-

I was just reading that a stunted version of Coral weed grows in high shore pools, which makes it perfect for miniatures eh? This is the skeleton of the plant, washed ashore.

Crates with rope handles (lollypop sticks and linen thread)

Er...yeah. getting there. The tomato leaves and flowers are from a Georgie Steed kit. Instead of using the red beads supplied I made little tomatoes with fimo, which came out a little RED! I had made the plant up, but then decided it was far too big and took it all apart, next time maybe....... :D

I almost managed to see this happen in a rock pool, but unfortunately there were two crabs fighting over the same shell, so I had to watch it on youtube instead..I should have flipped a coin for them and removed the loser :D


  1. How cool. I've been looking for ideas for my bathroom (mini one) and wanted something nautical-y. Not too Dread Pirate Roberts but a little reflection of the seascape near my home. Thanks for the video link for the glass floats. Would you mind if I totally steal the rope handle on a crate idea? It all looks fab =0)

    1. No not at all, steal away! I probably stole it from someone else :D Get down to the beach, don't forget to bring a magnifying glass! I thought the coral weed was brilliant stuff.

  2. Oh what Lovely findings!!! I am like that at the beach... my only real goal is to find the tiniest possible shells! My sister and I have been on the hunt since were were little and I still have quite a collection of the ones we found back then! Somehow I never put them together in a scene like this... they look so Perfect in those boxes! Maybe its time I pulled mine out and put them on display! And your tomatoes do look a bit red... but delicious! I love the tiny blossoms too!
    Happy Summer!

    1. Thanks Daydreamer, yes definitely dig out the shells, I think they're fantastic little mini's. I think out of sheer laziness those tomatoes will be staying that colour, but I agree they do look tasty :D

  3. Hi Sarah,
    Lovely summery post and perfectly curated pictures.
    The longer you sit in one position the more details you can see. A wonderland of history in a few square feet of sand.
    Enjoy each day.
    Regards Janine

  4. Hi Sarah,
    What a wonderful tiny treasures you have found! Tomatos look as detailed as everything you do. I like plants with both flowers and fruit. I should be making tomatos for mini greenhouse but for some reason keep avoiding the task. Making glass floats out of marbles seems great idea, thank you for video link.

  5. I love these wonderful sea-treasures. I'm lucky my town has a beach where we collect tiny shells but I never found
    sea stars. I hope one day I'll do.
    Enjoy summer while it lasts.
    Hugs, Drora

  6. Ah, the smell of the ocean. :D All beautiful things!

  7. Los paseos por la orilla del mar son estupendos y si además puedes encontrar conchas y caracolas minis pues aún mejor. Me gusta como has hecho la estrella.

  8. I love the floats, how clever to make them that way. I envy your trips to the beach. You sure found some wonderful shells and things. I look forward to seeing how you use them. :-)

  9. Those floats really are something else! Why I'd never thought of making them with marbles is beyond me!
    I really love beachcombing, especially for minis - a number of years ago my mum and I found a whole host of practically microscopic shells after a storm, and because we always come prepared, scooped loads of them into a bag. Annoyingly they seem to have vanished from the craft cupboard in the following years since their discovery. :(

  10. I love what you've done with the shells and the floats. I had to laugh at your description of beach-combing .... I have a friend who says he has been on exotic beaches all over the planet and never once seen the horizon. I can relate.

  11. The shells look very nice in the crates. I will try the boat floats.

  12. Your collection of tiny shells are wonderful. They look fantastic in the crates. Thanks for the link for the floats yours are wonderful.
    Hugs Maria

  13. Sarah, votre message apporte un petit air de vacances !
    Quelle superbe collecte de coquillages ! Votre patience et votre ténacité ont été récompensées ;)
    Les flotteurs en verre sont très beaux ! Jolie scène !
    A bientôt !

  14. Methinks Sarah, that you have discovered Rare Tiny Treasures buried in plain view, but oh, how your neck must have ached towards the end.... BUT SO WORTH IT! :))
    The way that you have displayed and photographed your collection is Perfect. I LOVE your crates, your shells, (especially the coral), your glass floats And your Starfish which is SIMPLY BRILLIANT!
    I have Pinned merrily away, ( thank you Very Much! ) and thank you also for the videos. The hermit crab changing shells was something that I had never witnessed before and I found it - Fascinating! :o


  15. Been there done that! LOL! Except I'm a bit more shy and I let people walk by then I get back to mini seashell combing. You had quite a successful hunt there! The little glass floats are brilliant. Must Pin for later!
    Thank you so much for sharing your opinion on the scroll saw. I will now definitely get one.
    big hugs♥,

  16. Beautiful scene!

    I admit.... I nearly died laughing at the first paragraph.

    Had a picnic with my fiances family at the beach near Christmas..... I had started looking for mini shells and soon his cousin joined me. After an hour of us searching I had less than I wanted but a good start. She was surprised she found it so fun ;)

    .... And that was how his greater family discovered my interest in miniatures/dollhouses :D

  17. These things are really very tiny... no wonder people thought you were a little strange searching the beach with magnifying glass ;-)

  18. Like you when I'm on a beach I love looking for small shells and big ones too. Thanks for the tip that you can break drift wood and sand it. I have some driftwood and it encourages me to use it. Your display of what you collected is wonderful and I'm so glad to have some of yours in my house.

  19. The shells are beautiful, wish we had tiny shells like these here too =) And your Japanese style glass floats are so beautiful!! And you photograph everything so perfectly!

  20. I love it! The scene looks great, and I love your description of the scene on the beach, I think white overalls are a great idea and also some 'crime scene investigation'-tape would be in order next time, then people have not only more to think about while wondering what you're doing, but also to tell a nice story at home :D You've done a great job on the floaters and the crates. And about the tomatoes: the shapes are good and if you just leave it, some day you might feel like changing the colour. And if not, then not, haha. And further I wish you well, it doesn't help you, but know you're in my thoughts. And thanks for the crab moving 'house' video, I really enjoyed it!

  21. LOL brings back memories.... Did that (loking for shells) with my kids at the beach some years ago. Wonderful day, but horrible sunburn. This post brings back that day instantly.
    Great findings and lovely makings!

  22. What sort of glue did you use on the wooden crate? They look full size in the picture, amazing.

    Thanks, Maridan Valor

    1. Thanks Maridan. I used Evo stik weatherproof wood adhesive.

    2. Thank you, I've never heard of that glue but I'll look around for it.

  23. You blog post are very good. your posts are unique. Thanks


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