
Tuesday, 24 March 2015

A quick trip to the Ulster folk museum.

I'm still around!!! Haven't made anything to show..Nothing....I was at the Ulster Folk and Transport museum a good few months ago, for inspiration and daydreaming, nothing much changes there as it is stuck in the 1900s. Anyway, I thought I would share my bad quality pictures from that day. They have a facebook page if anybody is interested, and flickr is teeming with much better photographs than mine, plenty of inspiration available for those doing an Irish/Victorian/Edwardian era miniature project.

And in, absolutely no order...

The Rectory, 1717. My favourite house at Cultra!

Cobbler's shelves.

A life size version of Colin Birds chair!  I love the little basket table.

Interior of an old wardrobe, note no rails. My mum had a wardrobe like this when she was a child....due to her parents frugality and not her age!

An unusual children's toy.  They used to have a dollshouse in this room, but it wasn't there that day, it's probably in hiding, don't blame it either!

Nobody can resist pushing the pram...look at that floor.

Over the sink shelf rack inspiration...dreadful photo quality... has rustic charm. Looks fairly easy to replicate in miniature eh?!

A Victorian drapery shop. wouldn't fit me either.

Irish Crochet Lace collars, Made in Ireland

I thought this was interesting, it's a display case showcasing small bolts of Irish textiles and linen threads. Unfortunately I don't know anything more about it, but wouldn't one of those be a nice addition to a miniature drapery shop! I have a 1:12 scale embroidery silks tutorial here, if anybody fancies making something similar.

The basket workshop. All of the baskets are made by local man, Bob Johnston. You can see more of his work here, don't miss his Willow Sculptures!

Pig "Mummers" mask by Bob Johnston.  Sorry about my hand being in the way!

Coshkib Hill farm. This farm house actually started out as a single storey thatched dwelling in 1850, and as time passed the owners made many changes to it, adding bits on, taking bits away...sounds familiar doesn't it?:D

Just in case you ever have a "window placement" space problem, this house says it's ok to squeeze one in any way that you can...

Deep window sills.....alas a rarity in miniature.

Drumnahunshin farm circa 1830, another building that started life as a single storey build, reading their bios sounds rather like some posts I've read..."raised to two stories, the kitchen was subdivided to create a separate dining room and the original ground floor bedroom became a parlour...." You all know who you are! I won't name names :D

At the back of the drapery shop, a lady (Dianne Shaw) wearing period costume weaves tweed cloth using a loom dating from 1901.  As far as I am aware it is possible to buy some too.

A typically dreary Irish backyard...a trip to a B&Q garden centre wouldn't go amiss...Great brickwork though. My mum had a mangle like that too...

Tea lane. With a lovely old sweet shop on the corner (that you can actually buy sweets from, new ones you'll be glad to hear..I hope so anyway)

Edwardian Irish Crochet lace bolero jacket...I covet thee!

Victorian/Edwardian needlework. Look at those little dolly clothes! 

Hopefully there will have been something of interest in there for anyone reading.

I want to get a tutorial up for soldering wire baskets next, and I have to put that in stone here, so I actually do it..and soon! :D


  1. Hello Sarah! I have enjoyed this visit to the Ulster Folk Museum! There was so much to see and to take notes on.
    No doubt but that your photos will be Wonderful references for your current "in progress" doll's house. :D


    1. Ha ha yes! I have more ideas now, I don't need any more though :D Glad you enjoyed a slice of the museum :)

  2. Hi Sarah! I've enjoyed my 'visit' on your blog and to the museum ;)! Wonderful and very interesting photos, which will inspire a lot of other bloggers and yourself too, so thank you :D! I loved to see the doll clothes on the last picture too.

    1. Thanks Ilona, I thought you would enjoy those! They're beautiful aren't they. A shame they aren't being used almost.

  3. Thank you for sharing your photos, they are very interesting. I love going to that kind of museums.

  4. Oh wow Sarah, It's a long time since I last went to Cultra - a family fixture back in the day! Thank you for the trip down memory lane - and some lovely inspirational photos!


    1. Hello Jonquil, I'm sure you have fun memories of the place, I enjoyed it a lot when I was a child and still do.

  5. thank you for the sharing of photos : very interesting

  6. Parece un sitio muy interesante y donde puedes disfrutar de un viaje al pasado.Gracias por las fotos

  7. Hi Sarah, That museum may be very familiar to you but it was so nice to have a virtual visit. The lace bolero is beautiful - no wonder you covet it. I wonder if it was a bed jacket? Tres chic if it was - can you imagine!
    regards as always Janine

    1. Yes,I'm a bit blase about our tourist attractions here because I'm so used to them, being such a small island :D The jacket is gorgeous isn't it, I would have it wrecked in no time though :D

  8. Merci Sarah pour cette jolie balade ! Que de merveilles !

  9. What an interesting place! Thank you for sharing the photos.

  10. I love these type of museums. It's so nice to see everything as it was and be able to emerse yourself in the history. Tea Lane looks extremely empty...did you wait for everyone to clear the shot or have you been jumping the gates before opening time again ;0P
    I really want one of Bobs bulls. His willow sculptures are amazing

    1. Unfortunately the museum is usually quite empty, pros and cons there. (I would never do that, law abiding citizen here Pepper, except for that time I nicked the...) Oh yes, the Bull, I liked that one too, and the Highland cow! I wonder if you could make one in miniature using railway modelers grass, glue, plastic model bull head... :D

  11. Hello Sarah,
    What a great post. every picture was fascinating. It really feels like you travelled back in time for a few hours. thank you for sharing them...much inspiration!
    Big hug,

  12. What a fun place to be! I love the little doll clothes, of course. Thanks for sharing!

  13. What a lovely place to visit. Would be great for some inspiration and ideas for miniatures.

  14. I love the display case. The colors are so subtle and harmonious. I also love that shot of the oodly placed window. All that wainscoting is gorgeous. I can't wait for the tutorial.

  15. Looks like an inspirational place, hope you got a lot of ideas for new minis now =)

  16. Привет Сара!
    Интересный музей! Фотографии мне очень нравятся! :) :) :)


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