
Wednesday, 19 February 2014

1:12 scale opening Suitcase tutorial - Embellishments Part 2

Suitcase Corner guards

You could use foil card instead, if you want metal corners.

Use a circle template, on the lid, to work out which circle you will need, depending on the size of how big you want your corner guards. I chose circle 7. 

Glue the "leather" onto a piece of cartridge paper, then on the reverse, draw a line in pencil. Position the circle template along the line, (using the nicks on the template as a guide), and draw out 8 circles. Using the nicks, mark out the top and bottom, so you can draw a vertical line, to create a cross on the circle(as shown). Use a stylus and ruler to create crease lines, on the cross sections. Using a ruler and exacto knife, cut out one "triangle section" from each circle.

Cut out all the circles. They look like a party of Pacmen :D

Use a pair of tweezers to bend the outer "triangles" inwards.

Apply the glue only to this "triangle". Position it slightly over the edge of the corner of the suitcase and check that the two unglued edges will meet, before the glue dries. You can tidy up any excess glue with a cocktail stick.

Once the "pacman" is secure, apply glue as shown, then fold over the "triangles, so they attach to the side of the lid/box.

Using your finger nails, push the sides together. Repeat on all corners. When the glue has dried,  use the end of your tweezers to dent the corners in and the side of the stylus to slightly round the edges.

Suitcase Handle Style 1

(Style 2, is in Part 3)

Fold over a piece of cartridge paper, so that you have roughly a cm width.

Draw a horizontal line, then on the unfolded edge you can draw any shape or a circle. Then draw two more lines from the circle to the folded edge, as shown. Holding the folded edges together, cut the shape out.

Glue the cut out, to the reverse of the "leather", then cut out.

Glue the white side down, onto the reverse of the leather, cut out. You should end up with it covered in "leather", on both sides.

Use a needle to pierce holes in the circled ends, and use a ball stylus to round and shape the handle, between either circle.  Attach to the suitcase, by applying glue to the back of each circle. You can then embellish the circles with no hole beads or pin heads.

Buckle Strap.

Cover both sides of a piece of cartridge paper (or fabric), with "leather". Use a ruler to draw out shapes, as shown, you will need four of these. For this template, cut two of them at least 1.5cm long, and the other two about 2.3cm. The pencil wasn't showing, so I have darkened one. To attach the buckle to the two shorter pieces, refer to 1:12 Suitcase Tutorial Part 3, which has the buckle instructions. From the widest end, to the buckle pin notch, should measure about 1.2cm.

To cut a tapered end, use a pencil to mark out a guide, as indicated by the red dots. This will help you to know where to start cutting one side of the taper and where to end it, so that each side of the taper is fairly even. Nail scissors are good for cutting tapered ends. Especially if you cut so that the curve of the scissors are opposite to the curve you are trying to cut. I discovered that it is easier cutting out circles that way too. Strange that, you would think the curve of the scissors would aid  in cutting a circle, but you seem to have less control....hmm, anyway...

Once you have the taper cut, set it to the side of a ruler, and use the inch divisions as guide for the spacing of the pierced holes. I also pierced three holes, on the section that is going to be attached to the suitcase, so that I can put no hole beads into them, to create little faux rivets.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Sarah, thanks for your tutorial(s) about making a suitcase. You explain things very well and the pictures are really helpfull. The suitcases you made yourself look splendid.


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