
Thursday, 3 May 2012

The unfinished kitchen, hundreds of hours later

The rooms in the house are roughly 10" wide and 11" deep. The kitchen is nowhere near finished,  yet it is already looking a bit crowded. I have had to make bought furniture a bit smaller here and there. The fridge and the cooker are Phoenix kits. I had to knock part of the side wall down, so the fridge wouldn't look too crowded. That was a fiddly job, since the house is already built, my arm was through the window space to drill and saw at it. I ended up making the sink and stand myself. I couldn't find anything online that could be customized to suit that space in the room. The sink itself is made from Das clay, with a handmade wooden surround topped with a Phoenix water pump, the Rayher mosaic tiles, I got from a craft shop, they were in a sale at 99p a pot, which made those a bargain. The dresser was a popular cheap one I found online. I repainted it, took its feet off, and replaced the drawers and cupboard doors with new detailed ones, made from scratch. I also changed the profile of the upper shelving sides, by filling in the cutaway that was previously there for decoration at either end of the shelves, and adding a deep curve at the base, thanks to my dremel tool. The table is a Mini Mundus kit. I was seriously unhappy with the wood supplied for the top, it was quite a soft wood, not as soft as balsa, maybe bass, so I replaced it with a denser wood cut into planks, with edging.

 A lot of hours spent sanding, painting, adjusting, fitting and glueing together so far!

Richard Stacey gault tiles. I made the little crate under the table with coffee stirrer sticks, I always lift a bundle of those  when I buy an overpriced expensive cup of coffee in town.

View through side window.  A little rodent picture, homage to my first pet rat Amber, who used to hide in that space under the stairs, back in the days when the dolls house wasn't quite as serious. It was made with an old british postage stamp (celebrating the poet Robert Burns - To a mouse) and stuck to a button.

The first thing I made for the kitchen. An industrial style light shade. Made with a 1:12 tin tray, a metal button and some pieces salvaged from the old lighting. The little basket on top of the dresser was a first attempt at basket weaving, using wire and waxed crochet thread. Definitely must find a basket weaving book and make more intricate ones.

My custom made table top, with some of the things bought at the Miniatura show in Birmingham.  Teapot and Charplate are Stokesay Ware, trowel, honey dipper, basting brush, pastry cutter are by Danny Shotton. The spice box is by Susan and Sandy Eismont.

1 comment:

  1. Aha, so there's the reason for your name 'Ambers House', it's after your first pet. So she must have meant a lot to you, beautiful to keep her memory alive this way. I love the picture of 'her'. You have done great things with your kitchen and I love your way of wanting things a certain way and just modify to what you have in mind. Great job and a promise for more great things!


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